What is a Stewardship Plan?
Have you ever wondered what your woods will look like in 10 years? Woodland Stewardship Plans provide local landscape, habitat, and natural resource information about your property, and outline a plan to keep your woods healthy and beautiful. A good plan incorporates both your goals as a landowner, and local conservation and habitat needs. Plans are updated every 10 years as your woods grow and may include suggestions and options for trails, tree planting, harvesting and growing timber, weed removal, and wildlife habitat improvements.
Financial Incentives
You may register your plan with the DNR to qualify for tax and financial incentive programs
- 2C Managed Forest Lands: Enrolled woodland owners may receive a reduced property tax rate of 0.65%. https://www.stlouiscountymn.gov/departments-a-z/assessor/programs/agriculture-forestry/managed-forest-lands
- The Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA): Enrolled landowners receive a yearly, per acre payment from the state. Payment rates vary depending on your chosen length of enrollment. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/foreststewardship/sfia/index.html
- Cost-Share: Funds are available from both the DNR and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to help with woodland improvement projects. Stewardship plans are not required for all projects, but help significantly when putting in an application.
Get Started
Learn more about woodland stewardship plans at https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/